When we were planning for our Davao trip, I thought we would see the Philippine Eagles. We really wanted to but the trip going to the reserve where the eagles are held is too far from where we were actually going. However, my kids and I were so happy to find out that Eden Nature Park has their own aviary and they house some very unique birds. And since my two boys loved the movie Rio (the animated movie about the adventures of a Blue Macau), they were both excited to see birds that they thought they would only see in movies. Paradise Island Beach Resort also has their own aviary so I also took some pictures of some of their birds there too.
At Eden Nature Park, they have peacocks running around that are comfortable being around with people. This is an image of male white peacock who is obviously showing off its pretty feathers.
Here are some of the wildlife birds they have in their aviary....
You might think that this bird looks like a chicken but actually its not. This is a female pheasant. But my kids still calls it chicken. LOL.
During our trip to Paradise Island Beach Resort, we also discovered that the resort has an aviary too. They actually have one of the most interesting looking birds and they even have a reindeer.
The kids really enjoyed looking at the birds that they don't normally see. Aside from that, they could name the birds that they saw from the movie Rio. I enjoyed the movie too especially the soundtracks.
hala lingaw au ang murag chicken nga bird jess! hahaha